Monday, November 12, 2007

CBS Millenials - on 60 Minutes

Check it out - What do you think? The Millenials Are Coming... A new generation wave is coming.

Here's my opinion

I think there are a variety of dynamics at play here which will make it a lively topic for a long time. As you know - the attitudes towards the Gen Y profile comes from many lenses and causes - contribution from corporate america, from parents, media, society, economic, and from the influence of the peer groups from all generations - most importantly from each own. And in each perspective we sit - it truly depends on what the Gen Y individual learned in their own cycle of influence.

Since these dynamics have an effect on everyone, we are at the dawn of a dramatic and historic moment of transition - something that has a long term impact on competitiveness, innovation, and leadership in America. Add in the Cultural dynamics in the US - you have a intersection of a shift Generational momentum and cultural momentum - its a multi-dimensional issue. Question here is what direction is the momentum?

I am a boomer dad and I have 4 Gen Y Children - all born between 1980 and 2000. I think I can judge what has been done right and what has been done wrong. Through their friends and environment - I notice people that have a work ethic and those that don't. I see those that feel entitled and those that have gratitude. I see many without visible depth in relationship skills, communication skills, and maybe a lack of autheticity. I guess I could say this for all generations and maybe its a judgement. But it comes down to your experience, your influences, and what challenges you are facing along the way.

Maybe this is an example of the true Drama Triangle in development. We have the Victims, the Persecutors, and the Rescuers. In any role - parent child, or the other (environment,corporate, society in general) - we can sit in each of these seats. Whether we do or are willing to - is a whole other question. Can all generations start by appreciating the differences? - those that can will lead this through the chasm.

So its not a matter of blame - we were ALL products of our previous generation, socio-economic conditions, the environment, the media, and our peers. We cannot blame - We cannot take the blame - We must step into cooperation, understanding, and be a leader based society to push forward towards understanding, respect, appreciation of all terrain views of the world, be ready to change and adjust our overall acceptance model. How do you eat an elephant?

Bottom-line - its easy to point to the next generation and say its not as good as ours - its easy to point and make judgements and its easy to vote based on your own view of your own world - the bottom line is we live in a narrow view society and the first step is appreciation that the differences are valuable and something we need to adjust. Its up to every generation to set us up for the future. I think every one has a Vital Imprint to leave.