Friday, December 14, 2007

Peace and Momentum

These days have been interesting - Somehow the momentum continues to build because I don't focus on it. There is less stress because I don't think about it. And I'm more content that I have been for a while - and yes because I'm not worried about it. My wife often says my brains have no brakes - but maybe putting it in park sometimes helps. It is helping now. Everything is smoother - I'm getting more done.

Did you ever wonder why when you try so hard and don't get the results you want - then suddenly you enter this peaceful resolved state and then whammo - it happens. And you wonder how it all happened. I think thats a common fact of living - when we focus too hard - we drive ourselves nuts - not to mention the people around us. I'm not saying to not have goals and targets - but there's a fine line between wanting something, obsessing over that something, and tapping into the balanced energy of desire and the way you operate. what the heck -thats my quick 5 minute entry today. I'll try to add to this a bit 3 times per week. Would someone make some comments here :) Feels awful lonely reading your own blog. What am I a diary for you to read - step in to my den and lets have a chat. All the best - Mike

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Change how you view Change

Lots of changes happen all around us and to us. How do we deal with the many changes that happen and how do we deal with transition. Do you ever wish things could stop changing and things can stay the same. Call me Captain Obvious - But it will never end. Change comes upon us suddenly or slowly - we can plan it or it can take control of us - we can create it but we can't stop it. So what is it about change that causes anxiety in people?

At this time of the year - do you notice whats happening around you everyday? People are planning. Companies are Planning. New Resolutions are being thought about. A new year represents a new start - a new beginning. And with that comes many choices - Choices that will change us or change our path.

What path are you looking at now? Is it a clear path? Is it a muddy path? Is it lit up? Or is it Dark? Are you making difficult decisions? Are you making a decision at all? Lots of ways to look at it.

The way I like to think about change is this. Its going to happen. I want to be in control where I can to give me some sense of security and certainty. But too much certainty is boring for me. So there is this element of not having a plan for everything - This adds the variety or uncertainty that makes life exciting. So its about balance. Make clear choices on whats most important to you and take into consideration how it impacts the people you care about. And Let those less important areas in your life come to you and be fluid Let it come to you. Let it happen and react in the moment. That is the juice of life.

The unknown - the surprise - the EDGE.

We all need to experience the edge often - it helps us grow. Don't live in fear. Don't hide. Life is too short - we are only here for a while. The Edge gives us life. It helps us live life. It helps us appreciate and expand our impact.

All the best - and I hope December brings great joy to you.

Like an old friend of mine said to me....

"We're not here for a long time ... We're here for a Good Time!!!"

All the best


Monday, November 26, 2007

The 2007 Runway - Its approaching

Here we are - three dynamics are churning at the same time. 1) Holidays - depending on how you view them - No matter your view - its here and we get affected in some way or another. Is it about family, giving, receiving - Its different for everyone. 2) Organizing - Its a time where the instinct to prepare for another coming year sets us in motion - the flurry to clean things up, get our affairs in order, reorganize our offices, our lives, our relationships - What is it for you? And 3) Setting the stage for a new take-off for 2008. What are your plans? What are you bored with now? What do you want in your life? What do you want less of? What do you want more of?

Well now is the time to come up with your structure, your framework, your model of the revised you. It happens by knowing who you are - what your beliefs are - what your values are. Its not that difficult. But you can't come up with a plan unless it aligns with what you are authentically about. Its time to raise your head from the noise - take ownership of yourself - and design your destiny. And not just the destiny for 2008 but for 2008 and beyond. So where do we start?

Here's what I suggest.
1) Ask yourself 2 questions to start and Write down the answers until your done.
What do I want? & Why do I want it? - so simple yet we don't take the time to think this through.

2) Define your categories of importance - Lump them into your most important categories for your Personal & Professional life.

3) Rank them - Compare Category a to b and see which one wins. Do that drop down comparison until you have every category in the order of what you want most.

4) Then dive into that #1 Category in your Personal and Professional Life. What are your top priorities - What is your target?

Sometimes we can have many goals & targets - Its easy to do. The we can feel like we're spinning ourselves into a frenzy - bouncing from one target to the next - They all may feel important - but if their all important - what gets done?

My suggestion is accomplish your most important stuff first - Think of what that is. Then take your energy and focus and use the Straight Line Theory. The Straight Line theory means that the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. A is where you are - B is the goal. Then map our your plans to go to "B". Where we deviate is the road along the way - An exit here - an exit there - a distraction here - another interest there. Focus - Get it done. Follow a path. And Make Progress towards the most important areas in your life.

So thats it for now - start thinking of whats most important to you.

Monday, November 12, 2007

CBS Millenials - on 60 Minutes

Check it out - What do you think? The Millenials Are Coming... A new generation wave is coming.

Here's my opinion

I think there are a variety of dynamics at play here which will make it a lively topic for a long time. As you know - the attitudes towards the Gen Y profile comes from many lenses and causes - contribution from corporate america, from parents, media, society, economic, and from the influence of the peer groups from all generations - most importantly from each own. And in each perspective we sit - it truly depends on what the Gen Y individual learned in their own cycle of influence.

Since these dynamics have an effect on everyone, we are at the dawn of a dramatic and historic moment of transition - something that has a long term impact on competitiveness, innovation, and leadership in America. Add in the Cultural dynamics in the US - you have a intersection of a shift Generational momentum and cultural momentum - its a multi-dimensional issue. Question here is what direction is the momentum?

I am a boomer dad and I have 4 Gen Y Children - all born between 1980 and 2000. I think I can judge what has been done right and what has been done wrong. Through their friends and environment - I notice people that have a work ethic and those that don't. I see those that feel entitled and those that have gratitude. I see many without visible depth in relationship skills, communication skills, and maybe a lack of autheticity. I guess I could say this for all generations and maybe its a judgement. But it comes down to your experience, your influences, and what challenges you are facing along the way.

Maybe this is an example of the true Drama Triangle in development. We have the Victims, the Persecutors, and the Rescuers. In any role - parent child, or the other (environment,corporate, society in general) - we can sit in each of these seats. Whether we do or are willing to - is a whole other question. Can all generations start by appreciating the differences? - those that can will lead this through the chasm.

So its not a matter of blame - we were ALL products of our previous generation, socio-economic conditions, the environment, the media, and our peers. We cannot blame - We cannot take the blame - We must step into cooperation, understanding, and be a leader based society to push forward towards understanding, respect, appreciation of all terrain views of the world, be ready to change and adjust our overall acceptance model. How do you eat an elephant?

Bottom-line - its easy to point to the next generation and say its not as good as ours - its easy to point and make judgements and its easy to vote based on your own view of your own world - the bottom line is we live in a narrow view society and the first step is appreciation that the differences are valuable and something we need to adjust. Its up to every generation to set us up for the future. I think every one has a Vital Imprint to leave.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Five Waves for Building Personal Momentum

Well its the 4th quarter - October 1st - Its gonna get cold up here in Chicago. Even colder when I show up a Soldiers Field in December - Those Bears better shape up or its gonna be a long season. Go Cubs!!

Here's what I want to cover today....

Often times (as in everyday) we face challenges and opportunities that tests our growth and desires. Its easy to not pay close attention to our personal bigger game or the vision we set out to be our guideposts - That path to fulfillment. Its not about the goal but about the process that builds on itself to bring more joy, more opportunity, more fun, more fulfillment, more happiness, and eventually giving us something we get juiced about. Its about that that pivotal moment when we are at the doorstep of greater potential. So what do you do with this potential? How so you operate when it comes to you? I have 5 basic steps that can be your simple lifestyle model. Call it the Living Momentum 5 Step Program. Here we go ... Step 1.

1) Create a Extraordinary Vision

Do you have a vision for your work life? your personal life? I'm talking about the life you want. Not about the non-stop chase of what you should do? Is it about relationships for you? Is it money? Is it about adventure? What drives you - what fulfills you? How will you get on the path? You need a map where you can line up your path and the road you will take to your destination. That destination isn't a place per se - but I suppose it could be. Its about where you're going. Then this vision aligns with you so that the action you take will move towards this vision and create strong living momentum. And guess what - the vision can be flexible - it can change - but you must have one.

Just like the old japanese proverb - "Vision without Action is merely a dream, Action without Vision is just a passing of time, but Vision with Action will change the world".

Work on your vision!

2) Carpe Dium (Seize the Opportunity)

Once your vision is set - this becomes what helps you operate day to day. Its the compass - its the light - its the guide towards your path. What happens now is you begin to notice things - you begin to focus on your vision and your outcomes. And its up to you to notice the opportunities and challenges that you can face to move towards or align with your vision.

So set up a model that allows you to focus on the best places that will move you towards the vision. Often times in my vision and momentum workshops - I will show my clients how to build a model where they can categorize their life and build a vision for each area of life that is most important - then planning and taking actions based on the overall purpose for each result. The end game is alignment - authenticity - and doing what is most important to you. And Finally - you are taking action and from the success or failure - you are building momentum towards the next journey or next opportunity

3) Have a MAP - Your Massive Action Plan

We mentioned Vision and Recognizing the Opportunity. Now comes the hard part - Making a Decision to take action. This is where things can slow down - you have the Vision (your fulfillment journey) - you have the opportunity or moment of decision - and then comes the test of your resolve. The majority of us often spend too much time here - procrastinating, taking our time on the path towards weighing the pros and cons. We seem to think time is on our side and we can put off an action.

If you truly want growth - Action must be taken. I can remember many times when I took a step forward in the moment of decision (volunteering, asking for an order, going the extra mile for a client), the experience for me was one of exhilaration as I built momentum forward to reinforce my excitement to match my vision. I attribute this Action oriented attitude for my success in both my personal and professional life. Its not always easy and we do make mistakes along the way - but what the heck. If we don't take action - we die a little on the inside.

To sum up this - Plan every week, know your vision for the important areas in your life, set up a plan with each plan having a purpose (a purpose that is a must for you). Each week is different - we always have times where some aspects of our life is more important than others - so focus on what you need - but don't lose sight of those other areas - Its about balance but it doesn't have to be rigid. But Do Plan to Take Action in those most important parts of your life.

4) Capture what you've learned

Here comes an even more challenging part. Take Action - Learn from it - and Capture it.
If you consider for a moment - the many areas in life that are important to you. Relationships, Family, Money, Health, Spirituality, Career to name a few. And since we would have a vision for each of these areas in our life. And since we have a plan to take action for each of these areas throughout a time period - wouldn't it be amazing if you captured all the wins and what you learned.

Imagine what you would have accomplished and what progress you would have made for your own growth. Its all about momentum and living life to build and have it. Through all the emotions and experiences - I recommend you have a simple journal that can capture this and carry it with you always.

5) Living Momentum

What made me come up with this combination of these two word - Living and Momentum? I believe we all want more from our personal and professional life. How can you not. Its up to us decide what that means because its different for all of us. And as our lives change - this changes. In the face of conflict, change, and transition - how do we keep living and create the momentum that we need to build towards our bigger vision - our bigger game (as my friend Rick Tamlyn says ). Its about taking life to a new level - setting your own standards - and contributing to this world - because this world is looking for us to show up. Many do not - But for those that do there is much to enjoy.

Like many others I have had so many moments in my life where I let the opportunity pass or I took an action that led to failure. But on the flipside - I've had counless times of the most incredible experiences in life, I've made decisions and took actions that put me in the top of my peer group professionally. I made personal decisions that changed my life but brought me the greater gift of bringing my authenticity to my relationships. I've saved lives (an old story to be told later), I've ran big organizations, I've been the top sales rep globally, I've been fired, I've started businesses, I've been married and divorced and happily remarried, I am a great Dad, and I've learned so much over the last 40+ years. Thats what I think is important - Be able to always be coachable (ABC) - I am constantly curious - I am confident but I know that I have alot to learn. Often times - this is where a personal coach makes a heck of alot of sense. If you only knew the value. Go Find and invest in a personal Coach - it will lead to some incredible insights and change. Its amazing how much an investment in yourself will move you forward faster.

I wish for you continuous momentum and a life full of challenges and opportunities - a life of certainty and uncertainty - a life of love and significance - and more importantly a life full of growth and contribution. As Tony Robbins told me some time ago and to many others - Its time to Step Up.

All the best.


Copyright Living Momentum Coaching Systems, LLC (October 2007)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Getting Unstuck

Here it is. Reposting, Reformatting the format, and getting thoughts to paper. Here's the plan. Whoever shows up is going to have a situation that is holding them back. This is a place to go to get unstuck. Non-Biased - Straight-Talking solutions to whatever is holding you back.

I have 44 years of getting stuck and unstuck. It never ends - we all face this cycle - it would be boring if we were unstuck all the time. It would suck if we were always stuck and unable to get out of our jam.

So Post away - Visit this Place, Bookmark it, and Come back when you have another situation that is holding you back.

The World is waiting for all of us - Lets get unstuck together Right Now .. sounds like a song needs to be written here.

All the Best

Mike Masterson
Certified Co-Active Coach